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IPL, which stands for Intense Pulsed Light, is a hair reduction therapy that utilises multiple wavelengths of intense light energy to target hair pigments. This form of intense light therapy converts light energy into heat, which then damages the hair follicle and reduces hair growth. The multi- wavelength technology of IPL is not limited to hair reduction but is also effective in skin rejuvenation and treating sun- damaged skin.

IPL and laser therapy are similar in their approach, but the main difference is that IPL delivers multiple wavelengths of light energy through a light filter, while laser therapy delivers a single wavelength. Both IPL and lasers are effective methods of treatment and have their respective benefits depending on the individual needs and characteristics of the patient.

AW3 - Known for its quality and innovation, produces some of the most effective IPL and laser systems worldwide.


AllwhiteLaser is a company that specialises in the development and manufacturing of high- quality laser systems for a range of medical and aesthetic applications. Their product offerings consist of diode lasers, IPL machines, and other aesthetic devices that are designed with safety, effectiveness, and user-friendliness in mind.

AW3 systems are used to treat a wide range of skin conditions, including the removal of unwanted hair, vascular lesions, epidermal pigmented lesions, sun damaged skin, wrinkle reduction and acne vulgaris.


AW3 is internationally recognised as a leading provider of laser and intensed pulsed light systems that are clinically proven to be safe and effective.

Overall, AW3 Laser is recognised for its commitment to quality, innovation, and results. It is worth noting, however, that the selection of the “best” laser system will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the individual, as well as the characteristics of the treated area.



Does IPL hair removal hurt?

During IPL hair removal, some discomfort is common and can feel like a rubber band snapping against the skin. However, the sensation is generally tolerable, and the innovative technology of Crystal Freeze can help cool down the skin area, reducing the level of discomfort


How many sessions do I need?

The number of sessions needed for effective IPL hair removal varies depending on the individual’s hair type, skin color, and the area being treated. On average, 8-10 sessions are required for optimal results, spaced 6-8 weeks apart.

IPL Skin Rejuvenation takes 6 sessions every 3 weeks.

How long does it take to see results?

After undergoing a few sessions of IPL hair removal, most people begin to notice a reduction in hair growth. However, it may take several more sessions to achieve optimal results, and maintenance treatments may be necessary to preserve the outcome over time. 


Is there anything I should avoid before or after IPL hair removal?

Before your IPL hair removal session, it is important to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least two weeks. After the treatment, you should avoid sun exposure and hot baths or showers for 24-48 hours, and avoid picking or scratching the treated area. It is also important to apply sunscreen regularly to protect the skin from UV damage.

Consultation form

Treatment Consultation Form

Please fill out the following form before your first treatment.

Which areas (e.g. legs) are you interested in having?
Have you ever used or are you currently using Roaccutane?
Have you used any of the following in the past 10 days?
Have you ever used (or currently using) Retin A or Glycolic Acid?
Do any of the following apply to you? Please tick those that apply.

Thanks for submitting!

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